Drinking tap water instead of bottled water makes sense and a difference. Here you will find a summary of the most important arguments as to why exactly – featured by a tip: tap e.V., a Berlin-based association that does strong work for tap water consumption. A tip: tap offers educational and counselling services ranging from day-care centre visits to assistance for businesses. They create new public drinking places together with the water suppliers of Wasserwende, but also by winning cooperators for new refill stations. And last but not least, they are a strong voice through their public relations and lobbying work.

That is why we at Panterito have decided to become a funding partner of the associationin addition to the project funding of Wasserwende. This is particularly important, among other things, because a tip: tap has to make a contribution of its own in order to receive public funding for its projects. Each donated euro can thus be increased tenfold on average.

What do they intend to do with it? The new edition and further development of their project Wasserwende. In this way, the association will spread its work further beyond Berlin and offer regional initiatives tools and assistance in adopting the tried and tested concepts that work. You can find out more about the interim status and outlook for Wasserwende, as well as many direct links to what a tip: tap has to offer, here.

The “Wasserwende” (water transition) project was launched in May 2019. Two thirds of the project’s duration are now behind the team of a tip: tap e.V.. Time for a look at what has happened since then.

Tap water is climate protection

It all started with a water neighbourhood in Berlin Kreuzberg in 2017. This model project was to be rolled out nationwide at 12 locations with educational offers, public drinking places, on-site actions and support for the activities in social media. And just when things were about to really get going… Corona came. A big setback, because the “Wasserwende” was especially designed for personal contact with people. No visits to schools and daycare centres were possible, no information stands, shops were closed, companies were in their home offices, and the construction of public drinking fountains was out of the question for the time being. a tip: tap didn’t let it get them down, but reoriented itself in large parts:


“The Corona pandemic has made us focus our project activities more on digital communication media. This has also opened up a lot of new perspectives and opportunities to get people excited about tap water.”

 Lisa, communications manager at a tip: tap


The new concepts are a complete success and the goals set by the “Wasserwende” team are expected to be just missed in some cases at the end of the project – but also exceeded in others.


Interim status of the “Wasserwende” in figures (as of the end of May 2021)

  • 14 new water districts (project goal 12)
  • 167 new drinking locations (project goal 500)
  • 79 companies awarded as tap water friendly (project goal 50)
  • 106 education and counselling events (project goal 264)
  • 241 media coverages (project goal 55)

And: their follower numbers on social media have increased extremely. The message that tap water is climate protection is getting through. In particular, the charming photo campaign #Leitungswasserliebe (Tap Water Love) for World Water Day this year was a success with a great response. More than 300 people and organisations participated – we at Panterito also showed our tap water love, of course.


Wasserwende goes Franchise

It is already clear that the functioning concept of Wasserwende will be continued beyond these first three years and that further water quarters will be developed. However, there will be slight modifications. Two further Water Quarters have already been launched in a new partnership model, in which the activities on site are implemented independently by the partners: Cologne-Nippes with Rheinenergie and Freiburg-Waldsee with RegioWasser, badenova and Parents for Future Freiburg.


Getting thirsty? 

Everyone can be part of the “Wasserwende”. Besides reaching for the tap, there are big and small things to do:

Tap water at work?

It makes sense to make the switch especially where there is a lot of drinking. Get advice on options, cost savings and steps to think about.

You already drink tap water in the office? Then let a tip: tap label you as tap water friendly, like soon 100 other organisations.

Inspire and inform

Follow a tip: tap on social media and participate, for example, in the current campaign #trinkdensommer (drink the summer) on the tastiest tap water recipes for summer. You can already find a collection of delicious summer drinks under the hashtag or on the campaign page

Get involved

You can get involved in the project and the association in various ways. a tip: tap is looking forward to hearing from you: wasserwende@atiptap.org


8 of many more tap water love affirmations to be found in the a tip: tap gallery

Tap water is fresh, available everywhere and protects the environment. Yet still the bottled water consumption in Germany continues. The three-year project Wasserwende – drinking water is climate protection from a tip: tap e.V. does educational work and is working towards making people aware of the preciousness of tap water. In addition to other valuable partners, Panterito also supports this BMU funded project.

To kick off the project, a tip: tap provided fresh tap water at the Berlin Environmental Festival, around the Victory Column: During the first summer heat festivalgoers happily accepted this easily accessible refreshment.

During the course of this project, 12 water districts across different cities in Germany will be created. With Karlsruhe-Ost, Berlin Moabit and the Marburg campus district the first 3 districts will be started in the second half of the year.

Photos from the start of the project as well as further information about the activities in the water districts can be found on our project page and, of course, on the homepage of Wasserwende.

Leaving no one behind – water and sanitation for all

Is the motto of this year’s World Water Day. After all, approximately one billion people around the world still do not have access to safe and clean drinking water, as this vivid infographic based on UN figures shows. This is once again emphasizes the UNESCO Water Development Report, which was published a few days earlier.

Numerous local events draw attention not only to this problem, but also to the luxury of having access to a functioning and safe drinking water system, such as the one we have. For example, the association a tip: tap has created a detailed summary for Berlin.

Higher quality standards and promotion of tap water consumption for waste prevention in the EU Member States are the cornerstones of the new EU Directive, which is intended to replace the 20-year-old previous version.

Stricter limits on harmful substances

According to the EU, the quality of tap water in Germany and other EU countries is already generally quite good. Nevertheless, more controls will be introduced and limits on chemicals and microorganisms will be tightened. For drugs and micro-plastics, no limit values ​​are provided so far, but the content of these substances in tap water should be observed.

Less plastic bottles, more tap water

The second aspect is to increase consumption, for example by means of public drinking water wells or free tap water in restaurants, so that packaging waste and transport routes of bottled water are avoided. According to the European citizen’s initiative Right2Water, not only the permanent but also the initial availability has to be secured. One million people in the EU have no access to drinking water and up to eight million are missing access to sanitary facilities.

How long does it take?

After the European Parliament had approved the proposals of the EU Commission in October 2018, the EU environment ministers are now discussing the concrete wording. The current draft was submitted at the end of February. Once Parliament and EU states reach an agreement, the changes can come into effect.

There are still several discussion points. For example, the demand by the Left and the Greens to oblige restaurateurs to provide tap water to their guests free of charge, as is already the case in France, has already been overturned in favour of a recommendation on a voluntary basis.

Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze has already signalled her approval of the current version. However, a final decision before the European elections at the end of May can no longer be assumed.