Lungs of the planet and guardian of the land
Trees, as carbon sinks, are one of the most important regulators of the carbon cycle and thus of climate change, even though their share of global carbon reserves is actually quite low.
Trees, as carbon sinks, are one of the most important regulators of the carbon cycle and thus of climate change, even though their share of global carbon reserves is actually quite low.
The forest is shrinking
The Forest Monitoring Initiative Global Forest Watch (GFW) provides empirical data on the state of our forests globally, through the analysis of satellite data. This information is thus much more accurate than the reports of the UN FAO, which are based on information provided by governments.
GFW’s most recent global figures were provided in 2020. Despite a large number of reforestation measures, more than 12 million hectares of tree cover loss were recorded only in the tropics – through deforestation, forest fires and other causes. Over one third of this (4.2 ha) was primary rainforest, with a 12% increase significantly more than in the previous year. These complex ecosystems are the world´s most biodiverse and store more carbon than other forests. To achieve a similar state with afforestation, it requires centuries – if at all possible. Deforestation is mainly due to plantations (especially soy and palm oil), timber extraction and because of the mineral wealth contained in these forests.
Nevertheless, it is also worth looking at the forests in our latitudes. The European forest is the only one in the world that has seen any increase in surface area for decades. The majority of German forests are industrial and the consequences of cultivation are noticeable here as well. A study by the German Öko-Institut (DE) indicated that if we continue like this and keep the status quo, our forests will store an average of 17.2 million tonnes of CO2. If we would support the development of native mixed deciduous forests and would use wood more efficiently, it would even be possible to bind 48 million tonnes of CO2. Should we follow the path of more intensive management as requested by the lumber industry, the CO2 reduction would be reduced to only 1.4 million tonnes.
But how important are trees really? Let us be so crude and set aside the fact that forests are a deciding factor for biodiversity, local climate as well as groundwater balance. How important are they really when it comes to the global carbon cycle?
In addition to the reforestation the goal of the project is the protection of existing forests and native species. The implementation is carried out by local staff.
Smallholders plant commercial forest, which is quickly ready for harvesting and, at the same time, makes barren soils fertile again for field crops. In this way, income prevents new clearing of primary forests.
3,000 seedlings for eight schools in sub-Saharan Africa enable practical learning: Planting, care and growth monitoring are organised by the young people themselves.
The forest in Malawi has been steadily disappearing for decades. Smallholders receive training and basic equipment to grow timber themselves.
For firewood, furniture wood and fruit harvests.
For a sound environment as well as for a stable livelihood of the population, FOLT plants Forest Gardens as Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration in the immediate sourrounding of a national park.
A tree as an incentive for customers to choose the resource-saving way: Panterito accompanies the planting part of the project in which various event staff companies participate.
In addition to the reforestation the goal of the project is the protection of existing forests and native species. The implementation is carried out by local staff.
Smallholders plant commercial forest, which is quickly ready for harvesting and, at the same time, makes barren soils fertile again for field crops. In this way, income prevents new clearing of primary forests.
3,000 seedlings for eight schools in sub-Saharan Africa enable practical learning: Planting, care and growth monitoring are organised by the young people themselves.
The forest in Malawi has been steadily disappearing for decades. Smallholders receive training and basic equipment to grow timber themselves.
For firewood, furniture wood and fruit harvests.
A tree as an incentive for customers to choose the resource-saving way: Panterito accompanies the planting part of the project in which various event staff companies participate.
First of all, this is no easy question to answer. The ability of a tree to store carbon from the CO2 molecules contained in the atmosphere heavily depends on various factors, such as size, species and age of the tree, but there are also external factors such as the climate in which it grows that affect this ability. Since rainforest trees grow all year round and do not pause in winter, in comparison to the vegetation in our latitudes, there are significant differences. Anyone who would like to deepen their knowledge on this can browse through a more complex overview by the Bavarian State Research Center for Forests and Forestry (DE).
Daniel Klein from the Forest Center of the University of Münster has broken it down for the Handelsblatt with an example (DE): a beech tree grown in stock with a chest height diameter of 30 cm and a height of 23 m can approximately store the carbon from one ton of CO2. It takes around 80 years to reach this size. Then it would have on average compensated 12.5 kg CO2 per year.
However, the increase is strongly exponential, meaning that in the first few years, only little carbon is absorbed, while in later years it increases drastically. A beech tree can live up to 300 years but is mature at about 150 years. Under good conditions, it would have broken down and stored about 4 tonnes of CO2 by then. This would equate to an annual average of 26 kg CO2.
Beech, Single Tree, x: breast high diameter, y: tree high, colored: CO2 units
Source: LWF Merkblatt 2 (DE) of the Bavarian State Institute for Forests and Forestry
Average flows per year for 2008-2017 in Gt CO2
CO2 storage: Wikipedia (DE) (accessed: 27.04.2019) English article
CO2 flows: Global Carbon Projekt
Vegetation is globally only a very small contributor of the stored carbon, but it is one of the most active. Annually, about 770 Gt of CO2 pass through the carbon cycle in vegetation and oceans (visualized here in the fascinating animation of the Crowther Lab). And they are our only natural adjustable screw for carbon sinks as an active climate regulation in the form of afforestation and sustainable timber use.
Human-induced global warming also contributes to the release of more bound carbon in soil and oceans (e.g. permafrost or erosion), which further accelerates climate change. In total, more than 17 GT of CO2 was released into the atmosphere in the decade from 2008 to 2017.
Almost half of all cut down trees end up in paper production. According to Greenpeace Germany, we consume 242 kg per capita every year. For writing, blowing your nose, going to the toilet… Therefore, this is an easy place to start.
It makes sense to go digital most of the time and many companies have already adopted a paperless office, even in conservative industries this movement has gained traction. So really think whether this printout is indeed necessary.
Ideally with the Federal Government’s environmental label, the blue angel. This guarantees it is 100% recycled paper and a manufacturing process that is particularly energy-saving, water-saving and low in pollutants.
The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certifies sustainable forest management that adheres to ten principles. Time and again there is criticism because of controversial endorsements, but FSC remains the best of the available certifications for wood products of all kinds.
Do you have a worthwhile project idea in the field of environmental protection or education?
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